
导演:Ben Plazzer

主演:Simon Mallory Chris Fortuna Emily Taheny


更新:2022-08-30 03:08:20


  • 在线云播


认识史蒂夫(Steve),他是一位饥渴且自食其力的喜剧演员,即将加入“大联盟”。 当他无意中杀死了一个嫉妒的单口相声漫画家Mike时,他就确信那个男人的鬼魂正在困扰着他。 他尝试冥想使自己的神经平静,但身体外的经历使Mike的精神可以代替他的身体。
如今,史蒂夫已经成为一种精神,已经不在自己的身体里了,只能看着迈克通过执行自己的灾难性,乏味的站立程序来破坏自己的声誉。 在Mike破坏人际关系,财务状况和一举成名的“终极搞笑喜剧演员”竞赛之前,Steve是否可以收回自己的身体?

  Meet Steve, a fame-hungry, self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike, a jealous wannabe stand-up comic, he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost is haunting him. He tries meditation to calm his nerves, but an out-of-body experience allows Mike’s spirit to take over his body.

  Steve, now existing as a spirit outside of his own body, can only watch as Mike ruins his reputation by performing his own disastrous, unfunny stand-up routines. Can Steve repossess his body before Mike destroys his relationships, his finances and his one shot at fame – the 'Ultimate Funniest Comedian' contest?



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说句大实话,如果把男二wsn的形象换成个小帅哥或者筋肉男会让整体效果更好,毕竟这是一部娱乐片而不是文艺片。 男一倒是外型和表现都很适合设定。

就是talk shows 的 talker 故事 + 灵魂附体。

  Meet Steve a fame-hungry self-absorbed comedian on the verge of joining the ‘big league’. When he accidentally kills Mike a jealous wannabe stand-up comic he becomes convinced that the man’s ghost is haunting him. He tries meditation to calm his nerves but an out-of-body experience allows Mike’s spirit to take over his body.   Steve now existing as a spirit outside of his o...

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