

主演:黛安·基顿 连姆·尼森 杰森·罗巴兹


更新:2024-02-23 09:02:39


  • 极速在线a(好母亲1988)
  • BT种子
  • 中文字幕


  Newly-single mother Anna Dunlop has lived a healthy move in life with her six-year-old daughter Molly. Then, one day, she falls in love with Leo Cutter, an Irish sculptor and craftsman. Leo helps her find passion and fulfillment but at a tragic cost: Molly is soon exposed to their sexual relationship. Despite Leo moxia.cc teaching the curious child the differences of sex, Anna's overzealous ex-husband accuses him of molesting Molly and sues Anna for violating their custody agreement. It all leads to the downfall of Anna and Leo's relationship and a disastrous attempt by Anna to hang on to her love for Molly.



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